Governance and Administration

Responsibility for the Seminary’s administration, including the calling and appointment of faculty and principal, lies with the Board for Pastoral and Lay Training (BPLT) of the India Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELC).

The Principal of the seminary is an important position, as he serves as the chief administrator. The rest of the faculty, under the leadership of the Principal, serve as a committee for the smooth function of this institution. According to the IELC constitution, the Principal of the Seminary also has the responsibility of serving as the Appeal Committee convener.

One of the faculty appointed by the BPLT serves as Student Dean to taken care of matters related to students. A Bursar appointed by faculty serves as the manager of the administration, including financial management. An Academic Dean from among the teaching staff serves as in charge of academic matters. Other faculty members will be assigned other duties like, faculty Secretary, Compound Manager, Librarian and advisors for various students’ activities. A lay Training promoter will look after the lay training programs throughout IELC with the assistance of other faculty members.

Members of the faculty have themselves been involved in various capacities by way of service to congregations, circles (circuits), Synods (districts), and Boards. Faculty are also expected to present Theological Essays, Bible studies, participate in pastoral conferences, in ongoing training for pastors, lay training, visiting the probationers, conducting seminars for vicars, etc. This shows that the faculty of the seminary serves as the helping arm to the growth and mission of IELC.